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Office B.R.F. & A.L.,
Abbeville, S.C.,
September 26th, 1868

1st Lieut Wm Stone,
Sub Asst. Comr.


I have the honor to report that I have just heard of the shooting of another freedman. Viz: Andrew Wilson, at night, in this County, about a week ago, by some person or persons, said, by my informer, a white man, to wit: James MeCaslan, J.P., living near Calhouns Mill, to be unknown.  The freedman was wounded in the back and hand, and has since been laid up.  Particulars not yet ascertained.

I also have positive information that "Capt Devil Bill Smith," who in 1865, about in October, killed Washington Wray, freedman, and ran off, has for some time past been at his home near Long Cane, dressed and otherwise disguised as a woman.  This fact was first reported to me by Ephraim Loman, freedman, on the 15th of last month, and it was yesterday confirmed by Aaron Mitchell a former slave of Smith's, who had the day previously been on his place, and both seen and recognized, & been recognized by him.