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taken out of her trunk, or box, which they likewise searched. Besides that, they broke a broom handle over the head of the wife of Plaintiff's brother, and, on going off, declared that if Complainant were not out of the house within a few days, they would return & "finish him up."

This man occupies a house rented from a "Cat Cauley" (who lives just across the line in Edgfield) on written agreement for the year; having in January paid $7.00, with promise to pay the balance, viz: $5.00, by June. This last amount the freed man say Cauley subsequently consented to look to another white man for, who owed that much to Plaintiff. In the early part of July he however complained at this office that Cauley had refused to accept that $5.00 from the aforesaid white man; and, because he had voted the Republican ticket at the late election, had threatened that unless he were out of the house within a certain time, he would kill him. I thereupon advised Plaintiff to tender the money to him in person &, should he refuse to take it, to then make application to the nearest Magistrate, to have him bound over to the peace to not unlawfully disturb him. He shortly after returned with a note from Squire Wm G. Keller, to the effect that although the freedman " was a good boy, & should be protected," having no Constable he could do nothing for him,