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well, it was encouraging to observe the great good done to the many through the Burreau. and those Person who have been assisted with supplies upon lien of crops through the Agency of the same, cannot but long remember the aid rendered to them in time of extreame want. with regard to the Payment for what they have Received. what they have made is fully sufficient to pay there indebtedness and leaving them a surplus to begin with next year. there are not more than three cases where there are any sign of insufficientsy of crop. I also saw two cases where I thought that the Parties had not given there crops the proper attention, and I mentioned the same to them at that time, I have since learnt that what I saw then have greatly improved, even beyond there most Sanguine expectations. I regret to inform you that a few of the white Persons, have expressed there unwillingness to pay for what they have received. I have given them every assurance of the justness of the Claim, and have informed them that what they have received they will have to pay for. I have also Sent notices to the several neighborhoods, informing all Persons that have received supplies upon Lien of crops, that there accounts are ready, and can be seen at my office, requesting them to settle there indebtedness without Delay

I have the honor to be
Your obt Servant
John C. Desverney