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Headquarters Sixth Sub-District
Bureau Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands,
Charleston, S.C., October 15th 1868. 

Major. H. Neide
A A A General
Columbia S.C.
In reply to your Communication of the 14th inst requesting to be informed as to the Christian Name of Mr Gregory I have the honor to state his Name is "Ferdinand Gregory" and I would respectfully request that his Appointment may take effect from October 7th 68 having been on duty from that date.Upon the recommendation of Mr Geo. W. Waterman, Clerk in charge of the collection of Bonds I would respectfully request that Captain James O. Ladd be appointed Clerk for the collection of Bonds for Summersville and vicinity, there being great many for that neighborhood some one should be stationed at that place -.  Mr Ladd is now on duty and I would request his Appointment to take effect from Oct. 12th 68
I am Major
Very Respectfully