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Headquarters Sixth Sub District
Bureau R.F and A. Lands S.C.
Charleston. October 29th 1868
Brevet Major H. Neide
Columbia. So Carolina
I have the honor to submit to you the following statement relative to the settlement of Bonds, for supplies advances to Planter to enable them to make a Crop. The Bonds forwarded to Mr Geo W. Waterman, Clerk, were by him distributed to various persons for collection, who at once proceeded to collect whatever amount was due. After all these preparations had been made; planters informed us to the disposition made of their Bonds; and factors notified to retain in accordance with stipulations contained in the Bond; the amount due the Government. - Col Whaley; Attorney at Law; by various means notifies planters not to pay the Government for advances made that he had procured for them an extension of one year. In consequence of this notification many planters have called at this office asking for information in the case and upon my giving the same they told me that