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they would not pay. Planters who had made arrangements to pay now refuse upon the same plea and some have even gone so far as to tell me that if I did not know about the arrangements Mr Whaley had made, I had better step around to Mr Whaley's office, and he (Mr W) would give me the necessary instructions. This was told me as being the suggestion of Mr Whaley. Planters in this vicinity look upon and speak of Mr Whaley as the Chief of the Bureau of this State and from the way and manner Mr Whaley speaks and acts I should judge he is of that opinion himself - he informed me this morning of the fact that if Gov Scoth did not issue the necessary instructions, he Whaley would have them issued from Washington; thus, Major, it will be perceived that by the action and advice of Mr Waterman and, even planters who are able and willing to pay and who have sustained no losses by the Catterpillar or rain, are being persuaded from paying their just debts. In view of which I would respectfully request instructions as to the course to be pursued in the matter. 
I have the honor to be, Major
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servant
Sgd/W.H. Danilson
1' Lt. 40 Infty
Sub a Coms

a true copy
H Neide
Bt Maj 1' Lt 44' Infy