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over from Edgefield; & it is understood they campped near the polls the night before - Jerri Briscoe, and a Mr Collison, of that party, were also seen by them to fire.

Since receiving the above report it has been ascertained that Anthony Marshall, colored, was killed at the time & place of the occurrence detailed. Verdict of the Jury of Inquest - "by some person or persons unknown" 

On the 4th Inst also appeared Tom Carter & Ambrose Catledge, freedmen, who complained that they & other Republicans were not able to vote at Moseley's Bone Polls, in consequence of a running fire being kept up there all day long, by a party of men from Edgefield; and from the gold mine neighborhood in that Co, who campped in the vicinity of the Polls over night. Catledge who lives at Cal. Canley's, just across the line in Edgefield, stated that at a meeting held at the latter's house some time before the Election, at which Bill Simms, Jas Reynolds and Jerri Harris; the two first of Edgefield, and the third of Abbeville Col were present, this course was resolved on; & he was told by Canley himself that if he voted the Republican ticket he could not stay about there & preserve his life. He also said he heard this party declare that id the negroes attempted to vote the Republican ticket on