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that during the day the party from Edgefield; at Moseley's Bone sent a Detachment down to Bradley's, when matters became equally as bad as at the other polling places named. It is also said that Tully Branch, clerk at the R.R. Depot here, whose name has been mentioned in connection with two or three other affairs of this kind, was also present, both at Bradleys, & Calhouns Mills, where he took an active part in the demonstrations made against the freedmen; & it is even further stated that it was by him the man was wounded at the last named place

On the night of the 3rd Ike Jones, freedman, was killed near Moseley's Bone, it is said by some parties unknown. It appears that he was called to the door of his hands & then shot dead. 

The report is now current with the freedmen that so soon as the troops are withdrawn all those who had any connection with the Election, on the Republican order, by distributing tickets, &c, are to be killed off. Many have deserted their homes, and all live in fear & trembling. 

I am, Lieutenant, Very Respectfully, 
Your obt. Servt. 
Wm F De Knight
clerk BRF & AL

P.S. - I enclose a statement of the Election in the Co, giving the vote at each precinct