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Office B. R. F & A. L.
Abbeville S. C.
Septber 21st, 1868

1st Lt. Wm Stone
Sub Asst. Comr.
I have the honor to report that Isaac Black, freedman, reported by me on the 19th as having been shot, has since died & further developments point strongly to his Employer, Mr. Stephen McKee, as having, without justification, shot him. The man before he died stated that in shaking the door of the corn crib it came open, when, without being barbed he was shot, first in the right shoulder, apparently from inside the crib, and a second a second time, in the bowels, seemingly from outside. Mr. Kee, who was said by his wife - immediately after the occurence - to have gone to his sister's not to return until next morning was shortly after found in company of with two other white men, prowling about the plantation, & acting in a rather suspicious manner. Mr. Kee's wife had at first refused to let the wounded man's brother take a mule to go after a Doctor; & on Mr. Kee himself afterward consenting to allow the mule to go, he sent another man & would not let the brother go. The next day he likewise endeavored