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Head Quarters First Military District
Office Chief Commissary of Subsistence
Richmond Va Jan 2nd 1868.
Bvt. Maj. Gen. A.B. Eaton U.S.A.
Commissary General of Subsistence, 
Washington D.C.
In compliance with instructions contained in your letter of Dec 30th 1867. I have the honor to submit the following "Report" in regard to the preparation and distribution of rations from the public Soup house in this city under my supervision. 
The idea of establishing a public Soup house in this city, where destitution prevails to such an alarming extent among the "freedmen" and the poorer classes of white people, originated in the belief that economy would be promoted.
1st In the cost of food.
2nd In the expense and labor in distributing it. Several plans were suggested until finally the one was adopted which seemed to be the most economical.
The Soup house and Kitchen.
For greater convenience and to enable me to supervise the business in person, a building (next door to the Subsistence Warehouse) was leased by the proper officer of the Freedmens Bureau. The front room of the ground floor was fitted up as an issuing room. A counter erected across the room paralel (parallel) to the street and a strong