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each, the flues leading to the main chimney. The fireplaces are made small, and are suitable only for 2 fr wood, a table and meat block complete the permanent furniture of the kitchen. Water is obtained from a hydrant in the back yard.
The manufacture of Soup.
Thus far we have used only the cooked Desiccated mixed Vegetables in manufacturing Soup. Further experiment will be necessary before the uncooked variety can be successfully employed. To make the process intelligible I will take one (1) 50 gallon kettle and show how 40 gallons of good substantial soup may be made.
The time required is Five (5) hours.
The materials required are:
Forty (40) pounds Fresh meat (including bones and shanks,
Eight (8) pounds Desiccated Mixed (cooked) Vegetables
Sixteen (16) pounds Flour (or 4 pds to every 10 gallons of Soup.)
Four (4) pounds Salt (or 1 pd to every 10 gallons of Soup.)
Four (4) ounces Pepper or 1 oz to every 10 gallons of Soup.
Forty (40) gallons of pure water.
The meat is first cut into pieces of convenient size, all the bones, knuckles and joints being cracked. The meat thus prepared is then put into the kettle with the water, and allowed to boil over a brisk fire for four (4) hours. Only 35 gallons of water should be put in at first with the meat, the remainder is thrown in with a