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dipper from time to time to keep the kettle from "boiling over," Meantime break the "cake" of Dc's Vegetables into small pieces and place in a clean bucket (or "tub" made by sawing an empty pork barrel in halves.) Take a sufficient quantiy (quantity) of the boiling water from the kettle and pour over the vegetables, breaking up and stirring the mass well. Take the Flour also and stir it into a bucket 2/3 full of cold water, making it into a thin homogenous paste (this should be done by hand so that all the lumps of flour may be thoroughly broken up)
At the end of the four hours add to the contents of the kettle the vegetables and Flour thus prepared - then continue the boiling for one half an hour. Thus far we have consumed 4 1/2 hours of time. At this point stir in the salt and peper (pepper) carefully, then continue to cook and stir for one half an hour and the soup is ready for use. The fire may then be raked out and the soup transferred to barrels or tubs and sent to the issuing room. If the soup is not required for the days issue let it stand in the kettles until the next morning. Then remove the cake of grease from the top and re-heat for use. My custom has been to remove the boiled meat from the four hours boiling and after having it cut into small pieces return it to the kettle, so that each person