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each child under (14) fourteen years of age. Persons holding tickets and claiming rations are required to furnish their own vessels for carrying the Soup away, and none are allowed to loiter about the place after receiving their rations. When the soup is exhausted the doors are closed until another mess is ready. 
By properly economizing time and labor, we find it perfectly practicable to commence the issue each morning at 9 o'clock. Circumstances must, of course, regulate the hour for closing the days work, some days we close at 3 P.M. while upon other days the issue continues until dark. 
Labor and Material 
The force required and wages paid are as follows, viz
One Chief Cook $25 per month and rations.
One assistant Cook $10 per month and rations.
One issuing Clerk to examine tickets and issue corn bread. - Enlisted man - 20 [[cents]] per day
One assistant to issue soup. Enlisted man at 20 [[cents]] per day.
One bread cutter to assist in issuing room $5 per month and rations.
Two Bakers - Enlisted men at 20 [[cents]] per day each.
In addition to the above I employ a Cook and an assistant for night work. It is believed however that the necessity for working at night will soon be obviated by the establishment of another Soup house.