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40 pds of Fresh meat at .06 46/100 cts per pound  $2.5840 Cts

8 pds Des. Mxd Veg at .39 cts per pound
$2.3200 cts

16 pds Flour at .06 6/100 cts per pound

4 pds Salt at .01 cts per pound

4 Ounces Pepper at 38 90/100 cts per pound

120 pds Corn Meal at .03 93/100 cts per pound

1 pds Salt at .01 cts per pound

1/4 pds Lard at .16 cts per pound

Cost of 200 rations     $9.6649
Cost of one (1) ration  $0.0483245+

The cost of the ration will be greater during the present month owing to an advance in the prices of certain articles which are purchased by contract.

We may compute as follows: Viz: 
Cost of the "Soup house ration"
at Richmond Va in the month of Jany 1868
200 rations (allowing for waste) require

40 pds Fresh Meant at .4 cts per pound
$5.60.00 cts

8 pds Dis Mxd Veg at .29 cts per pound

16 pds Flour at .07 15/100 cts per pound

4 pds Salt at .01 cts per pound

4 oz Pepper at .38 90/100 cts per pound

120 pds Corn Meal at .03 15/100 cts per pound

1 pds Salt at .01 cts per pound

1/4 pds lard at .16 cts per pound

Cost of 200 rations - $13.0313
Cost of one ration - $1.0651565+

Transcription Notes:
Unfinished - in process