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E 23 encl.

Reeve's Plantation
Feb. 11th, 1868

Gen'l R.K. Scott,
Charleston, S.C.

Sir:  After leaving your office, I appeared personally and presented your communication or order to Dr. N. McHenry - he appointed a day to attend to the matter - but failing to come - I wrote to get his reason - he wrote back saying the business of his office would not allow this fulfillment of his promise and that in the "mean time I could report to you as often as I chose".  I reported the matter to you again through Mr. Dowling commission merchant in this city - and again by letter - and on the 22nd of January I appeared personally at your office and was told by one clerk that "someone had been sent with written orders to attend to the business" - but on my arrival home I found that no one had visited my place - nor has since - and this is my second communication since my arrival home.
I hold a claim against the freedmen that