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the making of such a request would have been unreasonable."

I said no more upon this subject, as I then had the letter of Dr. Barker (annexed to the statement of Lt. Leidtke's statement and transmitted herewith, marked (C) of Decr. 30th in which there is a paragraph which shows that friendly relations had existed between Dr Barker and the family of Lt. Leidtke.

The affidavits of Dr. Barker's witnesses need no remarks to show upon what ground he preferred the charges but as his letter stated that these affairs were the talk of the neighborhood, I submit the statements taken down by me as the neighborhood gave them.

The affidavit of Guy Godfrey freedman, explains why I did not examine Hester Simmons, the only witness given by Dr Barker, as to the charge of illicit intercourse.

I am Major,
very respectfully
your obedient servant
E.W. Everfon