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Martin Parker freedman being duly sworn deposes and says I used to live with Lieut Leidtke.  I am the person who it is stated was shot at.  Lieut Leidtke discharged me, he said because I did not take proper care of his horse, and he said he had missed some of the grain.

So help me God Lieut Leidtke never fired a shot at me.  I never told anyone that he ever did shoot at me.  I never knew him to shoot a gun or a pistol.  I was with him over six months I was very often in the house.  I have seen little "spats" between the Lieut and his wife:  he never turned her out of doors.  I should have known it if he had done so, for I was there in the yard and often in the house:  he never did any such thing while I was there.

I never have seen Dr Sanford W. Barker Magistrate that I know of, and I never told him that any one had shot at me.

I never told [[?]] Randall that Lieut Leidtke shot at me, or that he was going to shoot at me.  The Lieut never did shoot at me, nor ever fired off any fire arms in my presence:  during the time I was with him I never saw him drunk.  I never heard any one say that he tried to sleep with a colored woman.  During the time