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Joe Washington, freedman being sworn deposes and says I went to live with Lt. F.W. Leidtke Sepr 15th 1867 and have lived there up to this date (Feby 5th 1868) I do his out door work take care of horses &c: there was another freedman doing this work named Martin Parker whom Lt Liedtke discharged for neglecting his duty.  After Martin was discharged he went across the road in front of Lt Leidtke's house and stopped with Anthony Geddis the freedman who worked for Dr. Suydam, the Bureau Doctor. The next day was wash day, and in the evening the clothes were in the yard and my dog made a noise and chased some one out, and I followed and Lt Leidtke came out and we went in the direction the dog took. Lt Leidtke had his shot gun with him. It was very dark: after we had gone some distance, not finding anyone, we came back and went to the Bureau Doctors, Dr Suydam to see if Martin, the man he had discharged was there with Dr. Suydam's man Anthony. Anthony said Martin had gone away, and then Lt Leidtke and I went straight home. Lt Liedtke did not fire any gun, or other arms. I have been in the house of Lt Leidtke nearly every day since I have been there and often in the night, and I know that he never shot a gun or pistol while I was there. He never carries fire arms when he goes away from home. 

Lt Liedtke and his wife have had sharp talk sometimes, about little things, but if he had turned her out of doors I would have known it. I live in the 

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