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Edisto Island.  March 4 1868


A report has just reached us, of the probable removal of Lieutenant Johnson, from this neighborhood, as the Agent of the Freedmans Bureau.

We need scarcely say to you, that this gives us great concern.  In the present state of the country, and the unsettled condition of the labouring population, it requires a man of great discretion and good sense, impartial, and free from notions and prejudice, to impart to our population, just, and not inflated views of their rights and duties, and to re-establish harmony and good order in our community.  Lieut Johnson has proved himself to be possessed of these qualifications in a high degree:  and when we look back to the occurrences of the past year, we cannot but attribute much of the quiet and orderly behaviour of our labourers to his prudence and good management.

Whilst he has been fair, and impartial, in his