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Charleston, So. Ca.
March 18th, 1868.

Maj. Gen. R.K. Soctt:

General -

In accordance with a desire expressed by some of the gentlemen who represent Barnwell in the Constitutional Convent, that I should state to you what information I possess relative to the official course of Capt. Wm Nerland, Agent of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, I now seat myself to give you that information.

I have simply to say that numerous complaints have, from time to time, been made to me concerning Mr. Nerland's neglect of duty and his great friendship and affiliation with the planters in oppressing the Freed-people.  I have on every occasion referred the complaints to the Commander of the Post.  What dispositions have been made of those matters, I am not aware.  Another serious charge, and one which I am sorry that I am compelled in truth to bring forward against Capt. Nerland, is - that of drunkenness.  Many persons complain that many times, after walking a long distance to have their grievances adjusted, through the intoxication of the Agent, Mr. Nerland, they have been compelled to depart without even a hearing.  I can myself state candidly that to my own certain knowledge, the Agent, (Mr. N.) was