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the same time, and that as Harrison had nothing, a civil action would amount to nothing & that in my judgement it would be best for him to make Harrison secure him in a reasonable sum for damages to his son & discontinue the prosecution, & that he had until the fourth Monday in April to prosecute the indictment if Harrison failed to make & comply with an arrangement.  

I suggested to him to consult with some friend & think over the matter.  He went out and not long after returned with Harrison to my office bringing with him Mr Ferguson, in whose employment he had been, as a friend, and after they had talked a few minutes they withdrew, and an hour or so after Jerry returned alone & said to me that they had made an arrangement satisfactory to himself;  I again explained to him that if Harrison did not comply with the arrangement before the 4th Monday of April he could proceed with the indictment.

I heard yesterday aht Mr McKnight the Bureau Agent was dissatisfied about the matter & was preparing an elaborate report of it.  I called on him & found that he had