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Mr Samuel Place of this District has issued on 350 bonds, the majority of them given by freedpeople, who rent land, but who at the time of issuing were hard workers and had a good prospect of making a crop. Some of those who owned no land have stock and other personal property. Some have turned out poorly, and the advances in such cases have been stopped  In two instances dishonest men have been found, who since the first issue to them, misappropriated the supplies. These cases Captain Place is now investigating. He has given proper notice that any misappropriation of supplies, or any damaging of crops, or neglect of the same, will subject the offender to punishment so far as in his power to execute, under the orders. The bonds received in this District are properly executed but not recorded.

The crops in the District are backward and suffering from drought. Capt Place reports, that it will take 2500 more bushels of corn to meet the demand for the remainder of the season