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Headquarters Assistant Commissioner.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A.L.
District of South Carolina.
Inspectors Office.
Charleston S.C. January 27th 1868.

Bvt Major H. Neide,
Actg. Ass't. Adj't. General

I have the honor to submit my report of investigation of Bureau affairs in Abbeville District S.C. made in accordance with Special Orders No. 11. C.S. from your office.

The present administration of affairs by Mr C.C. Perry, may be improved upon. Mr Perry, is attentive to his duties and the testimony of all of whom I inquired is that he is always at his office during business hours, when not engaged in settling difficulties upon plantations in the District; that they have never seen him in liquor during business hours, but have seen him drink very freely in the evenings.

I would respectfully recommend a change in officers at Abbeville, and as the community in some respects is bad, that an officer of known abstemiousness be sent there; as Mr Perry, appears to try to do his duty at all times in other respects I recommend that he be stationed at some point where there are fewer inhabitants in the immediate vicinity. I find also that there was an innimical disposition on the part of the people