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and Saml. Jones (Freedman)

Seventh: Mr Allen, Borrowed of J.J.
Cunningham, $50.00, and gave a draft upon M.S. Smithfield, & Co Wall St. New York. This draft was sent to Kirkland Wyley & Co N.Y. and came back (since Allens departure) endorsed (by letter) "No such firm there, nor has any such firm been mentioned in the directory for the last twelve years.

Eight: Collecting monies of freedmen and Whites, for the purpose of building a School house, and absconding with the greater portion thereof.

Mr Allen, collected from Sam Hughes $5.00 from Friday Jackson, $5.00 from Hudson Lomax $5.00 from Lewis Douglas, $2.00 from Lucy Richards, $2.00 from Sam Jones, $2.50 and from many other freedmen to the amount of $275.00 and from white people to the amount of $200.00 (among those contributing being J.J. Cunningham $5.00 White Smith, $5.00 Lawyer McGowan $5.00 John A. Weir, $20.00 Miller & Robinson $5.00 and nearly all the merchants in the village at the rate of $5.00 each, amounting in the aggregate to about $475.00 for School purposes; From this amount he expended for the house (which is paid for) $75.00. He paid to Mr John Enright, for labor $25.00 and to the freedmen $20.00 making in all $125.00 he expended. and the balance not accounted for. I find many more contributors than are mentioned in the list he left in the office. The night before Allen, left Abbeville he purchased $100.00 in gold giving therefor greenbacks