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In making collection of freedmen he told them that Congress had appropriated $250.00 towards building them a school house, and that they must contribute freely towards completing it and purchasing the land. The land whereon the building stands has not been paid for, there are also many outstanding bills for materials, labor, &c. Mr. Perry, has worked towards completing the house by giving his own word in the purchase of nails, and hiring of a few freedmen, but he has done all he can and matters are at a stand still.

As above stated, Allen, paid the freedmen the sum of $20.00 for work, which was half the amount due them:  he told them that the remaining portion of their wages they must contribute. The freemen who made these contributions in most cases have large families of children dependent on them.

Ninth:  Employing agents without authority &c.

Mr Allen stated to Mr. John Enright that he did not care to ride around the country alone and that he was authorized to employ a man as guide &c at $2.00 per day and that said Enright was so employed for 20 days and received no pay therefor.

Witnesses: Wm. Moore, John Enright.

Tenth:  Making over purchases of wood.
In this that said Allen, purchased of Mr. John Enright.  

Eight cords wood @ $3.00        $24.00
1/2 Cord kindling wood          $ 3.00

Mr. Enright has received check no 25 for  12.50