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Agent &c Abbeville S.C.

Dear Sir,

I shall go at once to Washington D.C. I shall be with you in about ten days.  Any information you may want within that time, please write me directing care of Willard Hotel, Washington D.C.

Any complaint that is made reflecting in any manner from my duties, please write me or defer until I return. Any mail coming to me you can open &c.

(Signed) C.S. Allen

The project of establishing a school was commendable and there seems to have been an earnest desire amount whites & blacks alike to secure this end, by a liberal contribution of money for that purpose, which desire still exists, and therefore I recommend that the Superintendent of Education be ordered to make an investigation and report upon the subject.

In concluding I would respectfully submit that the charges I have enumerated, against Mr. C.S. Allen, are for the greater part supported by incontrovertible testimony.

I subjoin hereto a piece cut from the Abbeville Press of the 24th inst. and which created much dissension there regarding the merits of the Bureau. Aside from the Editorial deductions there in contained, however humiliating may be the recital of the facts, I am constrained to acknowledge their truth from an