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impartial and careful examination of the witnesses
to the various allegations. 

"Mr. Allen went to Abbeville clothed
with the power to exercise the functions and to discharge
the duties pertaining to the office of Agent of the freed-
-mens Bureau; he gained the confidence of the of the freed people
by his prompt action in matters where they were inter-
-ested, and by his conversation and manner and his 
statements regarding his position in the army and 
in society at home and the value set upon his services
by his commanding officer, he won a temporary
confidence from the community, which unfortunate-
-ly enabled him to carry out his nefarious proj-
-ects to the injury of all parties and which reflects
upon the Bureau, and demand that he be brought 
to the bar of justice to remove the stigma.

I am Very Respectively
Your Off Servant
(Signed)E. W. Everson

A true [[?]]

[[?]] May 1 [[?]]