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Hd Qrs Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Marion S.C. Jan'y 8 1868

Bt Maj. H. Neide
1st Lieut U.S.A.
Act'g Ass't Adj't Genl

I reply to your letter of the 4th inst I have the honor to state that I have examined the affairs of Reuben Green (cold) on Mr. G.J. Wayn's Plantation, Marion Dist.

Reuben made a contract for 1/3 of entire crop  Provisions to be deducted from his share.
Reubens share in cotton amount to $18.32
Reubens wife share in cotton amounted to $18.32
20 Ble corn (10 B. each) @ $1.75 $35.-
400 lbs of fodder (200 lbs each) $1.25 $5.-  $76.64
Reubens Wife
To Provision account $65.33
To Store account $17.17  $82.50
Due Mr. Wayne  $5.86

I am Lieutenant
Very Respectfully Your obt
Edward M Stoeber
Ag't Bureau R.F. & A.L.