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Office B.R.F. and A.L.
Green Pond, S.C. Jan 27/68

Bvt. Major H. Neide A.A.A.G.
I have the honor to report that in compliance with the order of the Asst Commissioner dated Hd. 2nd. Asst. Commissioner Charleston S.C. Jan 23rd 1868 directing and to visit the plantations of Col. Rhett by Palisade & Oaks and advise the freed people thereon to consent to the shipping of the cotton to Charleston. I visited the plantations on the 25th inst. The freed people seemed to be perfectly satisfied for the cotton to be shipped. I assuring them that it was for the purpose of Col. Rhett's procuring funds to liquidate their claims for labor. The people were very anxious to be liquid, not wishing to commence on the present years labors, until the labor for the past year was settled. 
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servant
A.C. Shaffer