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S49 encl
Office Asst. Sub Asst. Comr.
Bureau Dist.of Williamsburgh
Kingstree S.C. Dec. 26th 1867

Maj. Edw. L. Dean
A.D.C. & A.A.A.G.
Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
Charleston S.C.

(From personal observation and facts that have come to my knowledge, while in the discharge of my official duties. I have no hesitation in saying that a withdrawal at present and for some time to come of the protection afforded by the Bureau in this District would render the position of Loyal whites very insecure oweing to the fact that party feeling and hatred has not subsided in the hearts of the defeated party, as is manifested by their determination, openly expressed by individuals of that party, to have no intercourse or dealings with truly loyal men; and such withdrawal of protection would make the condition of the Freedmen pitiable indeed. There would be no security for his person, no means of redress.