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S49 encl
Office Asst Sub Asst Comr
BRF & A.L. Columbia S.Ca.
December 26th 1867
Bvt Major E.L. Deane
A.A.A. General
[[strikethrough]] I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a printed copy of a resolution of congress relative to the continuance of the Freedmen's Bureau & etc. with instructions to report to the Hd Qrs of the Asst Comr. my opinion upon the same - In reply to which [[/strikethrough]] I would respectfully state that I deem the continuance of the Freedmen's Bureau or some other auxiliary, friendly to the colored man, an urgent necessity.
1st To superintend the division of crops in order that the freedman may receive the portion which he is justly entitled to. From my personal observation I am satisfied that there would be no fairness whatever in the division of crops were it not for the presence of a representative of the Bureau, no matter how successfull a crop might be made, or how hard the laborer may have toiled, the planter (in very many instances) would not allow any cash to accrue to the negro at the division. The same would be 

Transcription Notes:
The ( parenthesis mark shows where he wanted the words to start, and not be deleted.