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Stock from running over and distroying the growing crop of the Freedmen. And in case the crop is destroyed and the Freedmen requests a disinterested white man to look at it and assess the damage, he is always refused. If a colored man and his family have a good little house and have improved the land about it somewhat, he is very soon notified that he must leave or suffer the consequences of his temerity in remaining, and the poor negro leaves.

If a white man takes a fancy to a colored persons Hogs or Cattle he drives them off without any ceremony whatever. I have myself recovered quite a number that have been taken away.

The treatment spoken of above does not confine itself to farm or field hands, but is extended to all House Servants, Nurses, &c. Until reconstruction is completed, and laws are enacted securing to all equal rights before the law, and good and just men are appointed to fill the places of the present prejudiced incumbents, and see the laws faithfuly administered to all, then, and not till then should the protection of the Bureau be taken from the Freedpeople.

Bvt Major E.W. Everson, Agent, and Inspector reports: I have the honor submit the following facts which convince me that it is necessary to continue the Freedmens Bureau beyond the time now limited