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S 110 R.F. & A.L. Vol 12, 68.

Charleston, Feby. 13th 1868.

South Carolina 
Brvt. Maj. Genl. R.K. Scott
Asst. Comm

S. 85. ACSC 1868

Requests authority to appropriate $5,000 from any available fund — in addition to the $25,000- School-fund, already expended. Has the required sum on hand, derived from loan of supplies on lien

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L. * REC'D MAR 2 1868 * WASHINGTON [[/stamp]]

War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington, Feby. 21. 1868.

Respectfully returned to the Asst. Commr. for S.C.

The within request is approved and the matter has been arranged with Major Deane, D.O. for S.C.

By order of Major Genl O.O. Howard,
E. Whittlesey
A.A.A. Genl.

[[stamp]] Hd. Qrs. B. of R.F. & A.L. South Carolina. Rec'd FEB 24 1868 [[/stamp]]

Hd. Qrs. Asst Commissioner
Bureau R F & A L
South Carolina
Charleston February 27th 1868

I B. 85 "S"

Respectfully returned to Major Genl O.O. Howard, Com'r with remark that the last sentence of the within communication should never have been written. The communication itself was written at the request of Rev'd Mr French, after a conversation with me in which I was given to understand that the Com'r had promised him the sum of $5000 as an additional appropriation from the general School fund for the School Building at Beaufort. I knew at the time I signed the letter that I had no funds "arising from loan of supplies on lien" from which any such appropriation could be made. That fund about $5000 together with an expended amount belonging to the Refugee and Freedmen fund about $1950 00 has already been appropriated


Transcription Notes:
last word transcribed to avoid truncation