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FORM OF CONTRACT FOR WAGES.---Abbeville Press Print.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA - District of Abbeville.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into this    day of     , 1868, between             and
  I. The said            on his part agrees to employ         a laborer for the term of            
    and to pay said          for his services      , to be paid           and to furnish him and his family comfortable quarters and good and sufficient rations, consisting of   
            also          acres of land on the plantation for the sole use of said                   
       and his family during the time he shall be employed under the contract.  Said      
           shall also have the privilege of getting firewood from some portion of the premises, to be indicated by the employer or his agent and to raise such an amount of poultry and hogs as can be kept upon the premises assigned him without injury to others.  Said                shall not be compelled to work upon, nor shall any deduction of wages be made for legal holidays.
 II. Said           on his part, agrees to labor on the plantation of said              for the term above stated and to accept as full compensation for his labor, the wages, rations, quarters, fuel, and privileges above specified.  He agrees to perform reasonable daily tasks, or, if such tasks are not assigned to him, to labor diligently ten hours a day, unless the weather be such as to actually forbid labor, or the employer, or his agent, excuse him from work.  In either case, no deduction for loss time shall be made.
  III.  It is agreed that should the said            
       fail to diligently labor as required, the employer, or his agent, shall have the authority to dismiss said          
from the plantation, upon paying him all wages due, deducting therefrom charges for lost time only.
  IV.  Lost time shall be charged at the rate per month, including the value of rations consumed during the time lost.