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H 2nd B. R. F and A.L.
Kingstree SC Nov 4th 1867
Bob May Edw L.Deane
A. A. A. General,
I have the honor to repost, for the information of the Asst Commr, the following in regard to cases which were tried before District Court at this place. The first case I shall call your attention to, was a case of Larceny. against Plenty Pino (a freedman), in this case it was clearly proven that Plenty had rented the land; and consequently could not be indicted for the larceny of any of the crops. The solicitor (Pressly), gave up his case, telling the jury that he had failed to convict Plenty; the Judge charged the jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty, but after due deliberation of one hour they brought in a verdict of guilty in this case there is not a doubt but prejudice was the cause of this unheard of verdict. The counsel for Plenty (Maurice) immediately made motion of appeal, which was granted. Plenty having to remain under bail until next court (January 1868)
The next case I call your attention to , is the case of Addison Cooper (Freedman) who was indicted for stealing a plough, in this case there was no evidence to convict, but still he was found guilty (this case is also appealed by Maurice). There were several more cases tried, but I do not think it necessary to go into particulars as they were all conducted in the same way. 
