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5121 encl
The State of South Carolina

At a quarterly Session of the District Court for the District of Williamsburg on the fourth Monday in October AD 1867

Plenty Pino a person of Colors is accused for that on the Twenty Third day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and Sixty Seven, in the said  District, he feloneously did steal take and Carry away from the feild of one S Bennett Gordon one peck of Corn of the value of twenty five cents of the goods and chattels of the said S Bennett Gordon, Against the form of the Act of the General Assembly of the Said State in Such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the Same State aforesaid And the said Plenty Pino is accused for that on the day and year last aforesaid and in the District aforesaid he did feloneously Steal take and carry away one peck of Corn of the value of twenty five cents of the goods and chattels of one S Bennett Gordon against the peace and dignity of the same State aforesaid,
Jno G. Pressley, 
Dept. Sol.

Transcription Notes:
Bennet Gordon Jno G Pressley - is the Dept. Solicitor