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For the erection of school building on }
East Side Tivoli Garden, Charleston S.C. to} 
be under the domination of Freedmen's Aid }$ 4000.00
Society of Methodist Episcopal Church,}
see application of Rev. [[?]] Lewis enclosed.
To erect a school building in Charleston}
to accommodate the school now under charge}$ 4000.00
of the Presbyterian Church, said building to be} 
under the domination of the Presbyterian Church,}
See application of Wm. C. Smith enclosed.

For the erection of a school building in the }
South Eastern section of Greenville District, So. Ca.}
Either at Fountain Inn, or New Prospect, see}$4000.00
application of J.M. Runion, and others enclosed }

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
R K Scott
Bvt. Major General
Asst. Commissioner

(L.B 206. A.S.C. 
9 Enclo.)