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Charleston S.C. Jan 23 1868

To Maj Gen O.O. Howard
Commissioner of F. Bureau & A.L.

I have the honor, most respectfully to ask an appropriation from the Bureau, of Four Thousand Dollars ($4000) to erect a plain & substantial wooden building on the east side of Tivoli Garden lot in this city, capable of seating three hundred scholars. Said school to be a free graded school with a Normal Dept and under the care of the Freedmans' Aid Society of the M. E. Church. 

We state First - that the section of the city in the vicinity of "Tivoli Garden" is the most numerously inhabited by the colored people. Second - there is no other free school in that part of Charleston, the Bull St. School (now being built) is on Ashley river in the extreme South west, and the Rutledge St School is to be erected on the west side of the city - - Third- the beautiful lot & grove was purchased last spring for $5000 and is being paid for, entirely by the colered people, connected with the Methodist Episcopal Churches, in this city, Fourth - A school was organized the first of October last, under the auspices of the Freedmans Aid Society of the M. E. Church, with three Teachers & is now under successful operation with one hundred & sixty pupils. The old buildings now in use, were one occupied by the Germans as billiard & dance Halls. More than 100 applicants have been been refused for want of room in this school the present term. Trusting this much needed enterprise will meet with favor. 
I am your Obt. Servant
T. Willard Lewis
Supt of M.E. Schools & Missions in S. Carolina