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S 206. R.F. A.L. vol 12 1868.
Charleston S.C.
April 9th 1868.
S. 175 ACSC 1868
South Carolina.
Bvt. Maj. Genl. R.K. Scott.
Asst. Commr.
Forwards estimate of the amt. of Corn and Bacon required for issue to relieve extreme want &c upon lein of Corps or other security, during month of May -68, in S.C.
(1 Enclosure)

REC'D APR 13 1866[[/stamp]]

Maj Deane instructs to prepare Estimates for funds to purchase   
see LB. Apl 12[[?]]-

War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington. Apl. 13. 68.
Respectfully referred to Brig. Gen. Geo. W. Balloch.
Chf. Disbg. Officer.

By order of
E. Whittlesey

Reply returned. Approved & recorded
G W Balloch 
Bvt Brg. Genl & Chf C.S

Transcription Notes:
There were a lot of mistakes left by reviewer. REOPENED. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS. MAJOR GENL. O.O. HOWARD.