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he seized the following described property: viz-

10 mules valued each at  $160.00
3 Horses valued each at $75.00
2 wagons valued each at $80.00
1 wagon (without body)   $50.00
600 bush. (more or less) rough rice at $2.00 per bush
700 lbs ginned cotton at 75C per lb
5000 lbs store 
2 carts valued each at    $45.00

and turned it over to Watson Cordes Esq. taking receipts & requested permission be given him to advertise and sell the property so as to pay the Freed people & also to pay commissary stores supplied. In an endorsement March 23d '67 the Asst Commissioner returns the papers, directing Major O'Brien to hold the property until a reasonable time elapses for the purpose of giving Mr. C.O. Guilleaume an opportunity to settle the claims preferred against him. The property will only be sold upon special orders from these H'd Qr's. On the 1st of April '67 the Asst Comr directs Major O'Brien to ship the cotton seized on the Guilleaume plantation to James S. Gibbs & Co. to be held subject to his (Gen Scott's) order for the payment of Mr. Guilleaume's indebtedness to his employes [[employees]]