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The Major was further directed to hold all other property seized until it may decided whether the cotton was sufficient to meet the above mentioned liability. On the 27th of April '67 Major E.H. Everson, A.S.A. Comsr applies for transportation for eight (8) bales of cotton, to be shipped to James S Gibbs & Co Charleston S.C. in compliance with letters from Asst Comsr of April 1st '67 to which the Asst Comsr replies on the 2d of May '67 directing Major Everson to accompany Guilleaume to his plantation, investigate the whole case carefully & make an equitable settlement between Mr. Guillaume & the Freedmen employed by him. In obedience to the instructions in the foregoing endorsement Major Everson on the 18th of May '67 reports that he investigated the affair of Mr. Guillaume's place, that Mr. G failed to meet him according to agreement, met his agent A.W. Cords & with him made the investigation Finds no way by which the Freedpeople can get paid but to ship the 8 bales of Cotton & that if the property is not held he has every reason it will be attached. Under date of the 22d of May 1868 the Asst Comr forewards papers in the