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S243 enc1
Office Bu. R. F. and AL
Mt Pleasant S.C. 17th June 1867

Mr. Wm Gurney
No 102 East Bay
Charleston S.C.

Sir -
Please ship to A Watson Ceder "Grove" plantation Seewee bay St Thomas parish S.C. and charge to account of Cotton held by you as Facter for Freedmen in "Mythewood" and "Grove" plantations the following Stores - 
Bills to be rendered to me as Agent for the Freed people
2000 Bushels Corn
1500 lbs Bacon
1 Bbl Molasses
1/2 Bbl Sugar
1 Bbl Flour
- Corn Peas for seed
1/2 Box Tobacco 
20 lbs Coffee

(signed) E W Everson
Bvt Maj ASACr

True Copy
E W Everson
Bt M and ASACr

Transcription Notes:
Edited: completed the page, only 3 lines transcribed before this page marked for completions, please read instructions, all has to be completed