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or paid I should immediately seize the plantation on behalf of the Freedmen, feed them and see that the crop was properly cared for and harvested, to the end that they should not be the losers because their Employer chose to leave in a position where they must either abandon their labor or starve. 
No attention was paid to my notification and the people again with the agent came to me reporting that the plantations must be abandoned or the people starve . I proceeded in person to Mr. Guilleaume's office and there in presence of witnesses declared the plantation seized for the benefit of the starving people who had faithfully performed their part of the Contract 

I have issued to the people Five Hundred and Fifty-one pounds of Hard Bread Four Hundred and Fifty-Nine lbs. of Pork with Coffee and Molasses and the other stores allowed in accordance with Circular No 8- 
I have a placed a man in charge with orders to keep a strict account of everything that may transpire and take

Transcription Notes:
Lots of unknown words to be fixed before being marked for review