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D243 encl
List of Field Hands on Whitherwood Plantations
July 30th 1866
[three column table]
| --- | --- | --- |
| Luckey Manny | --- | --- |
| Lucy Gaillard | Nippy Ball | June McGray |
| Dianna Manny | Paro Neal | Frances Write | 
| Amelia Pinkney | Pompy Small | Cotto Harrison | 
| Bella grant | Johney Simmons | Louisa Small |
| Bina | Ben giles | Abraham goodwins |
| Amy Pinkney | Fred Vance | Ginny Engee |
| Hayer Simmons | Geo Haywood | Andrew Diley |
| Sarah Alston | Tom Mitchell | Jacob London |
| Hannah Porcher | Tom Wright | Sharlott London, |
| Delferreta Write | Dickson Porcher | Jack Thop |
| Fillis Devo | Joseph Dupree | Patsey Michell |
| Nanny Lucas | Sam Gaillard | Judy Gebbry |
| Lutia Vandrop | Damuel Majyek | Nancy Colington |
| Libbs Singleton | Boston Goff | Nancy Lucas |
| Julia Major | Charles Alston | Lavinia Write |
| Lizzie Middleton | London Mitchell | Sary McGray |
| Becca Write | Wm Majyek | Boston Williams | 
| Abraham Vandrop | John  Avliup | [[strikethrough]] Nancy Colington [[/strikethrough]] |
| Sam Middleton | Judy White | Morris Lucas |
| Cane grant | Thomas White | Rose Drayton |
| St Luke grant | Mary Michell | Bully Small |
| Henry Harrison | Lena Small | Stephen Robinson |
| Harriett Majyek | Silla Vandrop | Martha Ramsey |
| Pompy Write | Caty Small | Stephen green |
| Summerset | Edman Devo | Samuel Small |
| Cate Majyek | Nippy Vandrop | Leah Small | 
| Ole Flander | Becca Michell | Peter Lucas |
| Primus | Betsey Write | --- |
| Cane Wright | Nancy Michell | --- |
| Ole Tom Bone | Judy Michell | 43 women |
| Granderson Manny | Ayran Tom Bolin | --- |
| Gabriel Manny | Syrus Devo | --- |
[end of table]