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Hd Qrs Bureau RF & AL
Marion S.C. July 1 '68

Stoeber E.M.

Forwards herewith Requisition for Stationery for the months of July, August and September

[[stamp]] Hd. Qrs. B. of R.F. & A.L. South Carolina. Rec'd JUL 4 1868 [[/stamp]]

Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
South Carolina
Charleston July 8th 1868

Respectfully referred to Mr W. Lockwood, Agent with instructions to make this return for one month only.

IB. 252. S. Vol 2.

By order of 
Bvt Genl R K Scott
H Neide
Bvt Major 1st Lieut 44th Infy AAAG

Hd Qrs Agent Bureau R F & A L
Marion C.H. S.C. July 10/68

Respectfully returned to Major H. Neide A.A.A.G. the enclosed requisition having been made in accordance with the instructions given above.

Wm H Lockwood
Agent B R F & A L.

Transcription Notes:
removed [[column]] per SI instructions