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Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
1st Sub District of So. Ca.
Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Laurensville So. Ca Sept 7, 1868

Brevet Major H. Neide.
AAA General.
Columbia So. Ca.

As most of the Gov. claims to be colected are in Laurens County, I would most respectfully ask permission to retain the House that Mr Carroll Neide (Clerk) had at Greenville So. Co. As there will be considerable travelling to be done in colecting the Gov. claims, and it will be out of the question to procure a house in this place. I would most respectfully suggest the propriety of keeping one house, if we now, at these H'd. quarters, as it will facilitate the duties very much in collecting the money.

I am Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant,
C T Speer,
2nd Lt 8" Inf and Sub Asst. Comr

Transcription Notes:
edited: its not Bravest its Brevet a Military title, other changes and corrections