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THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION has been working twenty-two years for the African race. Since the beginning of the Rebellion it has turned special attention to the Freedmen. Whatever a wise Christian benevolence prompts in their behalf, by way of Common Schools, Normal Schools, Orphan Homes, Relief for the suffering, and direct religious effort, the Association undertakes, to the full extent of the means furnished by the friends of the colored people. Its teachers and missionaries last year numbered over 500.

(Central Office, 53 John Street, New York.)

Mission Home, 5" March 1869.

Col H. Neide
Genl. Superintendent Education
Columbia, S.C.


I have the honor, respectfully, to request information in the following particular:

It is my purpose soon to commence a Normal Class. I desire to take the ablest of my pupils and teach them how to teach. I do not propose to make them finished teachers in a few months' time; but I can fit them so as to be able to manage a school of plantation negroes and to teach them well, and to guaranty a reasonable success by 1" July next. If I do this will there be a likelihood of their getting employment for the months of July August and September ? Is there not a demand for schools upon the plantations during those months, which demand my pupils would by able to fill?