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Hallettsville Sep. 14th 1868.

Rev. J. Welch sup. of Schools.

      Dear Sir:_ I thought again I would send you a few lines respecting this Situation of things in this village.
      I have arrived at the conclusion that the time is coming, or has come for me, to give up this part of the country. It is nothing but a disorderly place, full disputes and dissipation, and no control whatsoever._
     I am of the opinion, that very few would continue as long as I have and labor under, as many disadvantages as was common to me for some time. 
     Now to be concise, the only thing, I solicit is removal from here. To some respectable place., where I can enter into, a more active field, and better compensated for my services. I can save no money here, but enough barely to sustain nature so a transfer will be cheerfully received, no matter what comes - Last Saturday I remarked to Mr Foster, that I would give a preference to another District, he replied very well. So the latter part of this month, would be an acceptable time for my departure. The attendance in this school, is from the adjacent places, and is not near, so permanent as from other places._ Certainly I should have accepted this heretofore, but was advised by others not, to leave, but as I conceive this a scurrilous place, not fearing God or man, I take no further interest in living