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Seguin Jan 12th 1869

Rev Jos Welch:

Your kind epistle was duly received, imparting very needed intelligence, as well as confirming and strengthening the Brethern in the faith. Was rejoiced to understand of you being in possession of good health.

I lost no time in presenting Brother Webster with his circular; the same evening it came to hand. I have to notify ye of my respects for sustaining me in the rent, as I have already made two contributions towards the same. The rent is three Dollars per month paid in advance. As early as posible, will eject all the elements of Secesh. I mean those White Evangelists, who have gained admittance into the School room for the purpose of infect the C. people with all the abuses, they can pile on the top of their infernal, nauseous, poisonous tongues. Why all the pernicious hints, and comparisons, calculated to infect and stigmatize the Union people, are selected by those angels of the old spirit, while collating from the raw subjects among this African Southern flatboat so common to those Apostles.

My school is now on the increase, since the Holy period is passed, and the bloom about encircleing our youthful Vineyard with the waters of Learnings Well.

When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: and ye also shall be as witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.

What further testimony is needed.

In the opposite side, you will find the following. Please turn.

Transcription Notes:
11-05-2020: 2 undeciphered words. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-21 23:12:40