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As the Apostle, however, did not "winter at Nicopolus, as he intended. Titus must have rejoined him at Rome during his Second imprisonment. Titus may have been sent there to perform apostolic duty. Crete, in the mind of the classic reader, is invested with interest, from having been the birth-place of Teucer, the founder of the Trojan race.

Directions for the main tenant of sound doctrine pure life, and honest deportment follow. Supported by references to God's grace and purposes in Christ, and concluding with an exhortation to Titus to fearlessly execute the duties with which he had been intrusted.

Do not consider these few paragraphs for nothing, but good will, and fellowship in the Deity. Know Ye that, am a Pedagogue and not an Evangelist.

Rev. Webster married a Young Lady about two weeks ago. Doing well and abounding in consolation.

I am, Your
Hugh Ames

Excuse this loose diction, as [[Near?]] evening can not write any thing.

Transcription Notes:
11-05-2020: Several undeciphered words. As with previous letters, Mr. Ames makes SEVERAL religious references. Hoping transcribers with knowledge of these references will have better luck at deciphering the words.